Volkswagen Radio ad and the need for flexibility

mixer desk faders

I try to have a flexible approach to voice over sessions – and sometimes you really need it. I recently recorded a radio ad for Volkswagen in the UAE. Part of the flexible approach means working sometimes on Sundays (because it seems they don’t have Sunday’s off in that part of the world).

So on the Sunday in question I thought I’d been booked, as the script said, to be “announcer in shopping mall” but once the ISDN session started I realised that the clients in the Dubai studio thought I was supposed to be “MVO” – that’s the guy doing the breathlessly fast read at the end of the commercial with all the product info and sales dates.

Luckily I’d had time to read the script all the way through a couple of times beforehand and so was able to “effortlessly” switch roles to become the “voice of VW” (well for this ad anyway).

The ad is produced by BKP Productions

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