Narration for robot information video

In recent years I seem to have voiced quite a lot of work for industrial complexes, processes and installations. In the last year or so I’ve described factories making pylons, a new paint spray process machine for vehicles, steel making in the UAE, wind farm de-installation and a series of emergency announcement messages for an oil refinery to name but a few.  I’m getting used to a whole industrial area in which I have never directly worked.  Its interesting and at time fascinating.

I’ve recently recorded a narration for a video showing an industrial robot that can be used in the cleaning of the interior of industrial reactor vessels.

Normally this is a hazardous and dangerous job where a person has to get inside the vessel and clean it by hand. Usually the access is through a restricted entry and once inside the vessel is pretty claustrophobic not to mention coated in dangerous and noxious chemicals.  The worker is in a confined space, invariably with a protective suit on, working with hand and power tools.

Now the robot – Rover – can be lowered into the vessel and using its caterpillar tracks, articulated tool arm, vacuum pump and lights and camera can be controlled remotely to clean the vessel interior and remove the fused catalyst residue.  Its an impressive bit of kit!

I’m unable to embed the video here but you can see it on the CR Asia website. Click here

Video produced by Photo-video works

Chris Radley – Voice Over

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