AT4033 microphone shockmount elastic repair

I recently mentioned that I had updated my Google analytics tag on my voiceover website.  As a result I discovered a blog post about the Aston Stealth microphone from a few years ago was performing well. Now I have updated my studio website analytics and discovered that a blog post from an even longer time ago is still getting a lot of hits.

AT 8441 shockmountBack the I wrote about the problems of repairing the shockmount for an Audio Technica AT4033 microphone when the elastic providing the suspension was worn or broken.

On line searches suggested all sorts of DIY work-arounds but in the end I was able to find the answer to my problem on the Audio Technica website.
Out of interest I visited the blog post to see if it was still relevant. I found the content mostly is but the links in the text no longer work.

There are 2 kinds of shockmounts for the AT4033 – these are the AT8449 and the AT8441. There is no need for DIY approaches for the elastic as you can buy a replacement from Audio Technica – here

If the prospect of threading it correctly is daunting then there are instructions also on the website here

You can read the original post here

Chris Radley – Voice Over

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